Everyday Patriarchy

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Domestic Violence: Tale of Two Women

/ June 17, 2019

Brihaspati Sardar and Kamla Sardar from West Bengal faced domestic violence. They talk about the physical-emotional assault and their individual perspectives.

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National Girl Child Day: Why Should Girls Embody Family Honour?

/ January 24, 2018

The belief that girls and women embody a family's honour is quite universal even today. Here's how the belief is being challenged, in homes, in public spaces and in the online world.

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Sarpanch Pati: The Roadblock to Women’s Political Participation

/ November 8, 2017

Twenty-five years after women were given 33% reservation in local self-governance bodies, many women sarpanchs remain faceless wives and daughters-in-law.

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What’s in a Name? Only Patriarchal Control

/ November 1, 2017

Women in rural Odisha reflect on what the compulsion to change one’s surname after marriage means for their identity.

Too Beautiful to Pray?

/ September 4, 2017

Patriarchy supplies a slew of bizarre rationales for keeping women away from places of worship.

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When the Personal is Political: Inequality within Marriage

/ August 25, 2017

In rural Uttar Pradesh, one young woman brings her camera and lots of courage to dismantle patriarchy.

Sindoor: Symbol of Marriage or Misogyny?

/ August 2, 2017

From tax reforms to Bollywood movie tropes to everyday realities-- there is no escaping the symbols of marriage that only apply to women.

When Children ‘Perform’ Gender

/ July 26, 2017

In rural Uttar Pradesh children exaggerate ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’ when performing gendered actions. But are things as black and white as they seem?