Old Health

Girls of this Budgam village compelled to stay ILLITERATE for WATER!

/ February 22, 2016

Video by  Rafiqa Bano | Text by Shafat Mir | 22 February 2016 The authorities seem to have forgotten this village of Budgam district as there is no potable water available to around 800 inhabitants. The women folk have to tread miles to fetch water daily which has resulted in...

Getting Clean Water for Nunmatti villagers

/ February 10, 2016

At Nunmatti village in Kawardha district of Chhattisgarh, people were drinking spring water as the only hand pump in the village was broken. Deena Ganwer contacted the designated authority and showed him the video which documented the issue. The hand pump was fixed in next two days. Community Correspondent Deena...

Water Logged Roads

/ February 4, 2016

‘We want roads. We need roads. Our children can’t go to the school. We can’t go to the Masjid for Namaz.’Unmetalled roads are an old problem in Hasnabad village of West bengal. The problem worsens during the monsoons when these roads get water logged, like what has been happening for...

Corrupt Contractor deprives village of Health Center

/ February 2, 2016

8 years ago the local government started work on a health centre in UsariBod village of Rajnandgaon district in Chattisgarh. A contractor was selected and paid money to start the work. 8 years later all the villagers can see are sludge-filled foundations, probably breeding mosquitoes to add to their woes....

No ration reaches the border

/ January 21, 2016

Bhadal village has not received ration since past 5 months. This problem has persisted for years. Villagers often have to finally resort to pleading to the District Collector, for which they have to travel 80 KMs. Damaged crops due to low rainfall have worsened the situation this year. The community...

Villagers in Malda forced to drink arsenic contaminated water

/ December 31, 2015

Sariapukur village is in Uttar Dariyapur, and comes under Kaliachak police station of Malda district, West Bengal. Villagers drank water from the pipeline, and about 100 people are covered in sores because of arsenic contamination. These people have been suffering for 6-7 months now, because of the negligence of their...

20 families fear for their lives

/ December 28, 2015

Every day, 20 Dalit families face the fear of either being bitten by snakes, scorpions and other poisonous creature as there is no boundary wall guarding the Panna Jheel (pond), on the banks of which they reside. The problem worsens during the monsoon. The community has approached various representatives from...

Arsenic Poisoning goes unchecked for 25 years in Murshidabad, West Bengal

/ December 24, 2015

50 people have been affected by drinking arsenic-contaminated water since 1990. 6 people have already died this year. How much longer will the government wait to provide something as basic as clean drinking water? In Chamtepara, Khaymari village of Jalangi block in Murshidabad district of West Bengal, people have been...