impactImpact videos are inspirational stories of bottom-up change that document how community media has led to concrete change. VV teaches Correspondents not just to report, but also to initiate local campaigns, and approximately 1 in 5 videos manages to solve the underlying issue. How? By providing information, rallying people to believe collective action works, networking with other activists, fostering community-level discussion through screenings and discussion clubs, and acting as a bridge to the local administration, which is often unaware of people’s problems. When necessary, Video Volunteers will start petitions, lobby the state or national administration, or engage the media in order to bring about the change.

200 Village Residents hold Authorities Accountable for Lack of Work Under MGNREGA

/ June 16, 2017

In a small drought affected village in Uttar Pradesh, the community came together to solve systemic bureaucratic apathy and wrested the employment guaranteed under MGNREGA.

Impact Story

Toilets after an year in Sahjadpur

/ February 10, 2017

In the year 2014 in Sahjadpur village, Madhya Pradesh there were nearly more than 300 (110 BPL & 197 job card) people living without toilet facility. There was not a single public or private toilet in an entire village. Under the Maryada Abhiyan campaign in Madhya Pradesh 100 toilets supposed...

Impact Story

Every home get toilet in Jagdishpur

/ February 10, 2017

80% of the households of Jagdishpur village of Uttar Pradesh did not have access to toilets.  Villagers had to defecate in open fields. Especially women had to wait until dark to go out. Villagers had encounters accidents with wild and poisonous animals. Community correspondent Shabnam filmed this issue and the...

Impact Story

Bada Hindol district in Odisha gets ANM

/ February 10, 2017

Auxiliary nurse midwife (ANM), is the first person of contact for any health services in most of the rural areas. But in Badahindol village of Odisha, where only one health sub-center is accessible to 5 villages, the residents have been deprived of health facilities for the last 10 years. The...

Impact Story

Mid-day Meal scheme sham exposed and solved

/ February 10, 2017

The 210 students of Mahadevpur Primary School, Uttar Pradesh, were hungry for more than a month as they hadn’t received their mid-day meal. Through meetings held by Community Correspondant Anil, it came to light that the issue remains unresolved due to personal conflict between the village officials in charge. A...

Impact Story

Impact| Community Gets Clean Road – Maya Khodve Reports for IndiaUnheard

/ February 10, 2017

The residents of Amrapalinagar, a slum in Nashik city had been suffering from a smelly and clogged sewage system for the last 5 years. Although the City Municipality was supposed to regularly clean the sewage, they had been neglecting the work. As a result, the slum which is home to...

IMPACT: Tribal Girl Accused of Being Maoist Rescued, Rehabilitated

/ November 22, 2016

On 29th July 2011, Magdalene, a 15-year-old girl from Mailpidi village, was walking back home after school. On her way, she was arrested by the police. “Stop pretending to be a student” the police told her as they went through her school bag and roughed her up. Her crime? Bank robbery;...

Community Impact: School implements RTE rules

/ November 2, 2016

The Right to Education (RTE) Act has laid down norms and standards for schools to ensure incluive and quality education for all children of India. All the elementary schools have to comply to these rules. Unfortunately, many schools, especially in the hinterlands of India flaunt these rules because the authorities...