Old Mining

150 families in danger: rock blasting 30 feet away

/ January 18, 2016

150 families hide inside their homes as rocks are blasted barely 30 feet away from their village. Government regulations, which dictate at least a 500-meter distance between a mine and a neighboring village are blatantly disregarded as stones and gravel shower down upon the village, reducing their homes to shambles....

The House Breaking Cement from Madhya Pradesh

/ December 3, 2015

” When the factory carries out explosions, our ancestral houses get damaged.”” The explosions are so intense that it develops cracks even in new buildings, let alone our old foundations.” Arti reports from Chainpura village where a cement factory’s neverending mining operations are putting lives of villagers in danger and...

IndiaUnheard Turns Five

/ June 2, 2015

What would news look like if the very people who live a story produced it? What if each marginalised community had someone to document their stories and the issues they face from within the community? What if this news didn’t stop at reporting a story but also brought change to...

Misery of Changing Roads

/ April 7, 2015

23rd March 2015 | Kheramuta, Sundergarh District, Odisha | Halomuni Kuardar The residents of Lanjiberna, Bihaband and Kheramuta villages in Odisha have been protesting the presence of OCL India’s limestone and dolomite mines in their area. The densely populated area has been facing multiple problems because of the mines. In...