Not a drop to drink

No water to drink! Broken wells dry up quickly.  Unsafe toxic water in hand pumps.  The water comes out black or turns yellow when kept in a vessel.  This is what residents from Kailashpur have to face everyday.  You can change this today.


Call to Action:  Pressure the Village Council Head to repair the well and have new hand pumps installed.  

Call Kalim Khan, Village Council Head, Kailashpur village, Gaya District, Bihar, Tel: +919973962531


VV-PACS Correspondent Amit Kumar reports from Kailashpur village, Konach block, Gaya district, Bihar.  

400 families have been affected for past 15 years due to the scarcity of water.  Water from the hand pump comes out looking black in colour and is thus unsafe to drink.  The local well is unsafe and can collapse anytime.  Residents are having to go to the nearby village Beraripur 2 hours away to get water.  

Rita Devi explains how those who work for a living are having to spend precious time going out to fetch water.  

Bramhdev Manjhi “Have told the village head, “I told him to repair it (the well) but he said that to do that he has to apply for a new scheme.  So this well is not getting repaired.”

All is not lost.  Our Correspondents have shown that with your help change can be brought to these communities.  In a previous video Community Correspondent Vrinda Azad has demonstrated how your call for action helped to bring Jairamnagar Primary School in Bilaspur District, Chhattisgarh a hand pump.  Thus your contribution does make a difference.


You can make a change.   Help the residents of Kailashpurvillage, receive access to clean and safe drinking water NOW!  


Watch more videos like this by clicking on this link.


Written by Manjinder Singh Sidhu.


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