Education Out Of Reach In Jagdishpur

The absence of a local secondary high school in Jagdishpur has forced many students to drop out. In the school shown in the video, around 50 pupils are now enrolled in class 8. They all wish to pursue their study next year, but they are aware that accessing secondary education will be challenging for them. Indeed, whereas the law requires secondary high school being in a radius of 10 kilometers, students from Jagdishpur will need to travel 15 kilometers to reach the nearest school, located in Madhupur. Currently, nearly hundred students are travelling daily. But many more dropped out of school after class 8. “The transportation network is really bad in the area, so the journey is hectic and tedious. Besides, a large part of students come from underprivileged family, and they cannot afford the cost of the daily journey from Jagdishpur to Madhupur. So, many students drop out.” explained Mukesh. Thus, whereas every Indian child is granted access to education, many students in Jagdishpur have to give up their dreams. Because Mukesh’s brother is now studying in class 8, the former is strongly concerned by the situation, and he hopes that his video will help making some change, and that a secondary high school will soon be constructed in his area.

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