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Faked Digital School deprives tribal kids of Digital Literacy


The mystery of missing digital equipment at Mukhdi baripada and Danel hasteinpada primary schools certified as "digital" of in akkalkuwa tehsil has baffled the community.

Digital school is a teacher-led, Community Owned and catalyzed by government progressive movement aiming at the transformation of learning techniques through digital equipment, launched in 2015 to enhance learning achievements of students. 

The Two Primary Schools at Mukhdi baripada and danel hasteinpada have been declared as 'Digital School" by the administration since 2018. However one would find zero digital elements at both of these schools. Both the schools operate in a rented house made of bamboo and have no electricity. In fact, the villages are inhabited by the tribals displaced from the Narmada dam project. These villages have no electricity and anyone requires hour long boat rides to reach these villages. The villagers are mostly illiterate to find out the whereabouts of the missing digital equipment. Both these schools were started in 1999 with the Marathi language as a medium of instruction and currently benefits 33 children each. 

Community Correspondent Chetan Salve aims to solve the issue by screening the video to concerned higher officials and crack the case. You can also help Chetan and the community by calling the official's phone number mentioned in the video and requesting him to solve the case as well as provide the needed equipment to children. 




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