Hard Fight for Basic Right

The banks of Yamuna will soon be known for the slums that have come up along long portions of the river. One such slum near Minto park in Allahabad district of Uttar Pradesh houses 2000 - 2500 people. The area has been devoid of basic facilities for the last 35 years. There is no water or power supply nor any toilets within the community. The unhygienic conditions not only pose health hazards for the residents but also for the river. 'The government says there should be at least one toilet among 8 persons but there is not even one toilet among the 2500 people of this community. None of the basic facilities have been provided to this community', reports Community Correspondent Ajit Bahadur from Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. There are 3 hand pumps in the area, which haven't been functional for past 3 years. The community has approached the Municipal Corporation and the district authorities a number of times asking for basic amenities to be furbished but no action has been taken. Call to Action: Please call R. Vikramsingh - 7408422308 and pressurize him to take action.
Take Action

A bridge about to collapse in Bihar

/ February 22, 2023

The bridge that was built by the British is slowly chipping off, and fatal accidents are a regular occurrence there.   The villagers along with our Community Correspondent are requesting the Government officials to repair this bridge. They are getting assurance that the repair work will start soon though it...

Impact Story

The happiness that comes with an yearly bonus

/ December 23, 2022

This video is a story of success, a story of a small win against a giant corporation. A story of persistence and a never-say-die attitude. This year, the workers of 3 gardens in the Alipurduar area of Kumargram Block, received a slightly increased yearly bonus, an increase of 3%, from...

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