Laxidhar Sandyal is like your grandfather. You can help him!

“Now my hands and legs don’t work properly due to arthritis…My daughter and wife have to go to work for a daily wage, so that we can survive.”


This is the reality for 80 year old Laxidhar Sandyal from Rangamatia village who has not been receiving his old age pension.  He is immobile, his sons have deserted him, and he relies on the mercy of his wife and sister.  He is like your grandfather.  You can help him today!


Call to Action:  Pressure the Block Development Officer so that Laxmidhar Sandyal and four other old age pensioners can get their old age pension now.


Rajendra Rout, Block Development Officer, Sundargarh district, Odisha, Tel: +919437311627


VV-Correspondent Purnachandra Nayak interviews 80 year old Laxidhar Sandyal from Rangamatia village, Lahunipara block, Sundargah of Odisha. 


For last 7 years he has ben suffering from arthritic joints and thus is immobile.  His sons left him, which meant he was left with no other option but to rely on his daughter for survival.  On top of this he is not receiving his old age pension, which he is eligible for.  Like him there are four other old age people who are not receiving their pensions.


Laxidhar Sandyalhas repeatedly approachedthe Village Head and several other government officialsmany times about his pension, but all his attempts over the past 20 years have failed. 


You can help him access his right to pension.  Previous videos have made huge differences in people’s lives.  For instance VV-CorrespondentAnupama Sathy’s video managed to get 27 old aged pensioners from Karathuta village, Kujang Block of Jagatsinghpur District their pension.  She could not have done it without your support.

This is why we need your support.  Please call the number above to ensure that Laxidhar Sandyal and the four other residents of Rangamatia village receive the pension today!


Watch more videos like here.


Written by Manjinder Singh Sidhu


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