One woman’s harrowing experience of giving birth at a state-run health facility

A 24-year old woman in labour was kept waiting for the doctor for 6 hours. The doctor on duty did not turn up and she delivered in the presence of a nurse. She was forced to pay INR 400 for her delivery and even, to use the toilet. She neither received free medicines nor nutrition. This is despite the provisions of the Janani Suraksha Yojana, the Indian government’s scheme to bring down maternal deaths, which makes provisions to reduce out-of-pocket expenditure for women below poverty line —providing free antenatal check ups, IFA tablets, medicines, nutrition in health institutions, provision for blood transfusion, and transport from health centres and back. Mary Nisha reports from Godda district, Jharkhand.

This series on community monitoring of maternal health in India is supported by Oxfam India.

Take Action

A bridge about to collapse in Bihar

/ February 22, 2023

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Impact Story

The Positive Changes in a Primary Health Centre

/ February 16, 2023

The positive changes in one of the Primary Health Centre (PHC) in Ramgarh District is encouraging.

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