Results for: jharkhand education

Jharkhand Mothers cross forests for childrens’ vaccination

/ September 29, 2016

The lack of state medical facilities in the hinterlands of Jharkhand has the tribal mothers worried about the health of their young ones. The Lopongtandi village of Ramgarh district in Jharkhand has a tribal population of 450 residents, amongst which 56 are children between the age of 0-6 years. The...

Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan fails physically-challenged persons

/ September 21, 2016

In an unfortunate accident two years ago left Dinesh Bhuiyan of Jharkhand with one amputated leg and a paralysed hand. “While one leg was amputated, the other leg has limited movement. Since then, I have been unable to earn for my family,” tells Dinesh to Manju Kisku, our Correspondent in...

What will happen if there is no water?

/ September 6, 2016

What will happen when there is no water? The acute scarcity of water in Jharkhand has brought its citizens face to face with this apocalyptic situation. As the state’s water sources dry up, residents of many villages are being forced to use contaminated water.  Basanti Hunni takes viewers to Urikel, a village...

Household Work and Gender Roles

/ September 2, 2016

A Street Survey of 86 people in Ranchi, Jharkhand were surveyed to understand how ready we are to BREAK SEXIST STEREOTYPES about Household Chores

Menstruation and Impurity

/ September 2, 2016

A Street Survey of 70 people in Ranchi, Jharkhand were surveyed to understand how ready we are to BREAK SEXIST STEREOTYPES about MENSTRUATION

Maternal Health Quality of Care

/ September 2, 2016

55 NEW MOTHERS All from Below Poverty Line families in Jharkhand report that the government has succeeded in getting women to give birth in hospitals. But crucial services are still missing or have to be paid for.

Corporal Punishment In Schools

/ September 1, 2016

A Street Survey of 84 parents of students attending school in Ranchi, Jharkhand were surveyed to understand their perception of violence occurring in their children’s schools.

Community-led Data Gathering Project

/ August 31, 2016

Surveys for Action is a new initiative of Video Volunteers attempting to close the data gap in rural India. We do this by harnessing the skills of VV’s large national network of community changemakers and researchers who are located in the remotest parts of the country. INFOGRAPHICS SUMMARISE THE RESULTS...