Results for: jharkhand education

Impact: Widow Pension Helps Woman Take up farming in Jharkhand

/ August 29, 2016

Sikranti Devi is a rural woman’s role model today. A widow since eight years, and partially blinded, Sikranti has taken life in stride as the head of her household. By becoming a farmer in Jamdih Bardanr, in rural Jharkhand, she earns her livelihood and educates her five children. But her...

Community Survey

‘If I get pension, I would like to study’ requests a young girl

/ August 25, 2016

Chitta Hembrom, 16, is a tribal handicap from Jharkhand who has not received her disability pension since four years. Under Jharkhand state’s  Swami Vivekananda Nishakt Swalamban Protsahan Yojna she is entitled to receive Rs. 400 per month and nor is she receiving the state’s educational scholarship of Rs. 250 per...

A shocking proof of corrupt NREGA officials in Jharkhand

/ August 19, 2016

National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) has boosted about high women participation in the labour workforce. On the completion of a decade of NREGA, BJP national Secretary Siddharth Nath Singh had said revealed that 2014-15 saw the highest utilisation of funds under NREGA with Rs 48,000 crore utilised, the highest...

Impact Story

Are 70% Indians free?

/ August 19, 2016

Independence Day is over. We have posted #HappyIndependenceday hashtags, heard patriotic songs and saluted the tri-colour proudly yesterday. We remembered Nehru’s famous independence speech the ‘Tryst with Destiny’ and were inspired yet again by the ancient words. As we discover that the Prime Minister’s speech on Independence Day wrongly claimed...

Are we truly Independent?

/ August 15, 2016

Independence Day is over. We have posted #HappyIndependenceday hashtags, heard patriotic songs and saluted the tri-colour proudly yesterday. We remembered Nehru’s famous independence speech the ‘Tryst with Destiny’ and were inspired yet again by the ancient words. As we discover that the Prime Minister’s speech on Independence Day wrongly claimed...

Senior Advocacy & Program Manager

/ August 9, 2016

The Senior Advocacy and Program Manager will be in-charge of advocacy activities for Video Volunteers in Central India. In Central India, Video Volunteers has 150 Community Correspondents who report on community issues and use those videos to lobby government.

Struggle for Salt and Rice – A widow’s wait for pension

/ August 9, 2016

Naima Khatun, a widow from rural Jharkhand used to survive on a meagre meal of salt and rice, all thanks to her widow pension of Rs. 400. “I used to work for other people in exchange for food but after getting the pension, life was easier,” recalls Naima, as she...

61 families suffer due to lack of Anganwadi facilities

/ August 2, 2016

An Anganwadi centre in a village is an essential institution in a rural setting to ensure a healthy, educated and aware child and mother. However, this village in Bisungarh district of Jharkhand, home to over at least 61 mothers worry that their children are denied the benefits of anganwadi such as...