Results for: dalit

Article 17: Untouchability in a graveyard

/ August 22, 2014

This video documents discrimination on the basis of caste being practiced in a graveyard. The left side is allocated to the Dalits while the right is reserved for the non Dalits.  Father Arun acknowledges that untouchability has been perpetuating in the church and strongly condemns the practice of untouchability. 

Fighting Forced Evictions: 75 Families achieve victory in Maharashtra

/ August 14, 2014

Over 15 million people are displaced annually across the world due to development projects. In this interview Community Correspondent Anand Pagare speaks of how he inspired his community to challenge the development projects undertaken by the Maharashtra Housing And Development Authority (MHADA), thus sparing more than 75 Dalit & Tribal...

Save Niyamgiri: Voices from Ground Zero

/ August 8, 2014

India’s current obsession with economic development based on extractive mining projects is spelling doom for its indigenous communities. Their rights to land, livelihoods and self-expression, guaranteed by the constitution, are often violated to get such projects going. Ahead of the International day for Indigenous People, we bring you voices of...

Mining Vs. The Hills of Odisha

/ August 4, 2014

In the late 1980s the Gandhamardan hills in Odisha’s Bargarh district were home to a powerful people’s movement. Not unlike today’s Niyamgiri movement, that too was a cry of the people of the land to save their forest, their Gandhamardan Hill from Bauxite mining. The movement was successful in bringing...

Article 17: Discriminating among children

/ July 31, 2014

Untouchability has been practiced in India for many centuries.  Even though it is a punishable offense under Article 17 of the Constitution of India it continues. One of the ways, it is practiced is during school meal times, where Dalit (scheduled caste) children are made to sit separate from the...

A New Generation Scarred by Untouchability

/ July 24, 2014

What does one say about a cultural practice that it forces young children to sit apart at a school lunch? At the Primary school in Limli village Gujarat Untouchability is scarring a new generation. It is illegal to indulge in any practices of untouchability and you can help stop one...

Success: A Women’s Self-Help Group Gets Justice

/ July 10, 2014

Self Help Groups (SHGs) are village-based programs usually with agendas of empowerment, development of leadership abilities, anti-poverty agendas, using financial intermediation as a starting point to these goals. In this interview, Community Correspondent Neeru Rathod speaks of how she inspired 11 women in Sonpari village in Gujarat to speak out against...

Police ignores dying declaration, Accused out on bail: Sanjay Khobragade Murder Case

/ June 19, 2014

At 2:30 am on 17th May six people from a ‘higher caste’ tried to kill Sanjay Khobragade, a Dalit rights activist, over a caste based land dispute. They set him on fire while he slept in his house. With over 80-85% burns on his body, he passed away while at...