Results for: dalit

The Tide is Changing: Victories on the Road to Ending Untouchability

/ April 15, 2014

Untouchability. You may think that this horrendous practice has disappeared in 21st century India, an India that is running towards socio-economic development; you may think that caste identities no longer govern people’s lives. Look around you, caste based discrimination carries on in the most insidious ways possible—in matrimonial ads; when...

Life under threat: Dalit suffering sees no end

/ April 14, 2014

Forty scheduled caste families residing in Wasai village of Maharashtra had their yearly crops destroyed by 50 ‘so called upper caste’ people. After destroying their crops the upper caste people were also threatening to kill the poor famers and have blocked all the ways to their fields. When the farmers...

“Why Are we Untouchable?”| Article 17

/ April 14, 2014

Untouchability, a practice defined a few centuries ago, continues to define the lives of ‘Dalits’ across India. They find themselves confined to a corner of their village unable to participate in anything. About the Partnership: The Poorest Areas Civil Society (PACS) Programme and Video Volunteers have come together to create...

Cast(e) Your Vote Wisely

/ March 4, 2014

India is gearing up for one of its most exciting general elections ever. With barely two months to go, analysts, politicians, the media, the twitterati are all neck deep in debate about who Indians will vote into power. On D-day, while millions will exercise their right to vote, there will...

Where is Our Right to Shelter?

/ February 24, 2014

Community correspondent Kesha Devi reports of a Dalit family from her village, Mahuramshala in Uttar Pradesh, who have been living without a proper roof over their heads. Harilal Harijan with his family of nine, has been living in a bamboo hut for over three years now. He is a daily...

Impact: Video Brings Justice to Caste Atrocity Survivors

/ February 20, 2014

As India celebrated its 66th Independence Day, the Dalits of Dandva Baddi Village were under attack from the upper caste people. Community Correspondent Amarjeet had reported the case from Rohtas District, Bihar, in his very first video. The skirmish left 54 injured and one dead. Many lost all their belongings...

Dalit Elderly: Cheated, Discriminated Against

/ February 19, 2014

More than 3000 elderly citizens from 144 villages in Rohtas District have not received any pension under the Government of India’s Social Security Scheme, which entitles the elderly to a meagre monthly amount to support themselves. Most of these men and women are unable to work anymore or are dependent...