Results for: mid day meals

No End to Lack of Accountabiliy at Sub-Divisional Hospital Madhupur

/ September 10, 2015

Medical Negligence. Corruption. Cases of lack of accountability at Madhupur Sub-Divisional Hospital in Deogarh District of Jharkhand are rampant. Community Correspondent Mukesh continues to report violations and urges authorities to take action. Since November 2013, Video Volunteers Community Correspondent MukeshRajak, along with the community in Madhupur district of Jharkhand, has...

Lets go journalism donate

/ September 4, 2015

Donate With a donation to Let´s Go Journalism you´re equipping our Community Correspondents with the tools and resources they need to help make a sustainable impact, improving the well-being of the Dalit and rural communities that often go forgotten and neglected by the Indian government and people. With a donation,...

A School without any facilities in Tingina, Jharkhand – Warles Surin reports for IndiaUnheard

/ September 1, 2015

Tingina, Jharkhand: Nabh Primary School was started in December, 2012. Currently, the school has 80 students and 4 teachers. Classes are conducted out of a room in the headmaster’s house as there is no school building. The children do not receive a mid-day meal. Facilities promised by the government are...

Is India really Independent?

/ August 15, 2015

“Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge… At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.” – Jawaharlal Nehru On 15th August 2015, India celebrates 69th year of...

Women lead the battle to ban alcohol in rural India

/ August 7, 2015

As dusk falls across the village of Paraghat in Chhattisgarh, women from the community gather around in large groups. Armed with long sticks and whistles, they walk around inspecting every corner for suspicious activities. This daily vigil has become an integral part of making sure that no one consumes alcohol...

The Nurse Asked Me for 500 Rupees to Cut My Umbilical Cord

/ June 19, 2015

A pregnant woman in Bihar was charged Rs 500 for cutting of the umbilical cord and also had to pay for painkillers she needed before her delivery. Women in the village report that on refusing to pay, the Auxiliary-Nurse Midwife refuses to service them point blank. This is despite a...

Are safe pregnancies and childbirth in rural India a luxury?

/ June 17, 2015

One woman dies every ten minutes due to pregnancy related complications in India. Although the government has put in place schemes to ensure that every woman has access to healthcare during and after pregnancy, ground reports produced by Video Volunteers reveal that access to prenatal and postnatal care, nutrition and...

One front line health worker for 14 centres

/ June 16, 2015

Ahilya Devi, a septuagenarian, is the Auxiliary Nurse Midwife from Jharkhand. She currently looks after the 14 sub-health centres in different villages while according to health ministry guidelines one auxiliary nurse midwife is supposed to look after 8. Apart from being over-worked, Ahilya also faces problems because there are no...