Results for: dalit

Surviving Domestic Violence

/ February 14, 2014

“The first year of my marriage was happy… For the next eight years, grave acts of violence were committed against me by my husband and in laws”, says Shivba Manohar who has, with her two children, left that hellish nightmare behind. Community Correspondent Shanti Yevtikar brings you her story from...

Our Impact-old

/ February 3, 2014

Impact Video Volunteers has initiated and sustained a global community media movement, which has empowered people by giving them a voice, training them to use it, and enabled them to take action towards social change. Our training models and projects have created an impact in the following ways: Give the...

Wages for 20 Workers at last!

/ January 27, 2014

Ramsakhi has fought many social and administrative battles for her community to ensure they get the employments and wages that are rightfully theirs. As the Secretary of a collective of 13 self-help groups in the area, she represents them at the District, State and national levels in the Confederation. Ramsakhi...

The Fallen Village

/ January 13, 2014

Ambai Bujurga village in the Kara block of Kaushambi district, Uttar Pradesh is slowly getting popular as the ‘fallen village’ due to the sheer number of deaths, occurring due to lack of a proper road or even a rough path. For lack of a better word, the ‘roads’ are rowdy,...

I am Nirbhaya

/ December 16, 2013

A year ago tens of thousands came out in protest on the streets in India. Angry, hurt and exhausted that it had happened again, another girl had lost her life to a sexual assault of the most brutal kind. The collective Indian memory remembers her as Nirbhaya, the fearless one—perhaps...