Results for: mid day meals

Corruption in Health center: Midwives made to pay INR 7000

/ April 21, 2015

Cases, where the common man has to pay bribes to get work done, is not uncommon in India. Here Community Correspondent Anul Guria documents testimonies of corruption that occurred at the Primary Health Centre (PHC) in Chainpur Block of Palamau district, Jharkhand. PHC’s are state-owned rural health care facilities in...

Kanhar Damned

/ April 17, 2015

 Local police opened-fire at a gathering of 1500 people protesting the construction of the Kanhar Dam at 7 am on 14th April. Residents of the area, a majority of whom aretribals and Dalits, have been at loggerheads with the administration since 1973 when the Dam was originally conceived as an...

Babasaheb is Angry

/ April 14, 2015

Babasaheb is angry. As I look up at a large photo of his on the wall in front of me; his thick, black eyebrows are knitted together, eyes scowling through spectacles. I can almost feel the disappointment that fills the air. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, the principal architect of the Indian...

Siolim Locals Infuriated By Teso Waterfront’s Blatant Legal Violations

/ March 21, 2015

The meandering Chapora River, the site of pink and purple sunsets and swaying coconut trees, has become a hotbed of arguments and grievances over the past few years. Local residents of Siolim Vaddy in Goa are infuriated by the multiple inconveniences being caused by Teso Waterfront, a river facing resort...

The infrastructural lacuna: What are we building?

/ February 26, 2015

An Anganwadi centre in Bihar has been running in a dilapidated state for 7 years. Everyday, children sit besides crumbling walls and under a makeshift roof. The parents’ appeals to the Child Development Program Officer – that the school urgently be rebuilt — have been ignored consistently. These children are...

Can we fight the crisis of sanitation with Swachh Bharat Abhiyan?

/ February 24, 2015

12 million toilets were to be built in the last financial year, but the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is going to fall short on that promise by half. Before the budget, we take stock of the sanitary woes of India through the eyes of our Community Correspondents.

Tribal in Jharkhand abducted, tortured and labelled a Maoist

/ February 20, 2015

February 19; Timla, Jharkhand In June 2010, Mahadeo Munda was sitting under Mahua tree when police officers approached him and started asking questions. “After that they put me in a vehicle. I don’t know where they went,” he told Community Correspondent Amita Tuti later. Mahadeo is a farmer in Tilma...

Villages Health Centre in Jharkhand closed for a year

/ February 17, 2015

February 17 2015 | Rampur, Jharkhand | Shanti Baraik The Village Health Centre in Jamidh has been closed for a year, and the doctor only visits occasionally. Residents of Jamidh have to go as far as 60 kilometres for medical attention. “The doctor only comes during child deliveries, he doesn’t...