Results for: mid day meals

This School-accident could have been avoided

/ August 11, 2014

Struggling with lack of classrooms and teachers, this school in Odisha narrowly escaped an accident that could have gone very wrong. You can help the students at this school get the needed facilities. Call to Action: Please call Mr. Shankar Prashad Majhi, the Block Education Officer, Titlagarh Block on 09437760646....

Save Niyamgiri: Voices from Ground Zero

/ August 8, 2014

India’s current obsession with economic development based on extractive mining projects is spelling doom for its indigenous communities. Their rights to land, livelihoods and self-expression, guaranteed by the constitution, are often violated to get such projects going. Ahead of the International day for Indigenous People, we bring you voices of...

Omnipresent Corruption

/ August 6, 2014

A couple of months ago CC Neeru Rathod was able to eradicate corruption in Kanpura Primary School, where the organizer of the MDM was swindeling rations and funds. With the help of the community and the school staff, Neeru was able to end this corruption and get the the children...

Save Mahan: Voices from ground zero

/ August 1, 2014

Mahan in Madhya Pradesh’s Singrauli district has become another front in the battle waging between the desire for economic growth and that to conserve forests and indigenous ways of life. The forests in Mahan are the largest Sal forests in Asia. In a landscape already blackened by mining, this is...

Goats ate their lunch!

/ July 29, 2014

The Right to Education Act (RTE) declares that every school must have one teacher per 30 students.  A playground,clean drinking water and sanitation facilities must also be provided.  This is not the case for the school children of Radol village.  They need you phone call to change this today!  ...

A New Generation Scarred by Untouchability

/ July 24, 2014

What does one say about a cultural practice that it forces young children to sit apart at a school lunch? At the Primary school in Limli village Gujarat Untouchability is scarring a new generation. It is illegal to indulge in any practices of untouchability and you can help stop one...

Another case of government neglect in a school

/ July 9, 2014

One teacher in the school, managing, teaching and supervising 250 children.  Midday meals not being served regularly and on the verge of halting altogether.  Sound similar?  Yes.  This is another case of government neglect in Phulpadar village primary school that you need to put to right.  Are you ready?  I...

Laxidhar Sandyal is like your grandfather. You can help him!

/ July 4, 2014

“Now my hands and legs don’t work properly due to arthritis…My daughter and wife have to go to work for a daily wage, so that we can survive.”   This is the reality for 80 year old Laxidhar Sandyal from Rangamatia village who has not been receiving his old age...