Results for: west singhbum

Publications & Research on VV

/ June 24, 2016

Research and Studies on VV’s Work & Methodology Social Brokerage: Accountability and the Social Iife of Information In Comparative Political Studies Dr. Gabrielle Kruks-Wisner of the University of Virginia | May 2022 State–Society Synergy at COVID-19’s Invisible Front Lines Dyuti Saunik | Avani Kapur | Gabrielle Kruks-Wisner | Jessica Mayberry...

Manjhi 2.0- How a young man found an innovative solution to Dashrathnagar’s water woes

/ June 21, 2016

Dashrath Manjhi, a poor labourer from Gehlaur village of Gaya, Bihar shot to fame when a Bollywood movie ‘Manjhi – The Mountain Man’ captured his life and how he singlehandedly carved a path through a hill. Proud of their local hero, the Bihar government had even declared the movie tax-free...

Lack of clean drinking water troubles this Jharkhand village

/ June 15, 2016

Juliani Purty has not had access to clean drinking water for more than what she can remember. She and 10 more families located in Longkata, Bandgaon, Jharkhand struggle for a sip of clean, hygienic water. During the summers’, the community well dries up, forcing the women to carry water from...

Farmer rally for stop farmer suicide in Odisha

/ June 15, 2016

“5000 farmers from western Odisha, marched to the main square, Gangadhar Mandap, of Sambalpur city in agitation as Odisha government refuses to link farmer suicides to crop failure. The state inquiry reports state that the farmer deaths are mainly due to family disputes and excessive liquor consumption and not due...

A Bad road is hindrance to progress in Bihar

/ June 8, 2016

The village of Sarpharwa in the East Champaran district of Bihar is home to Video Volunteer correspondent Tanju Devi. The village’s access to the basic necessities and amenities are reached through a journey to the nearest town Dongri. However, Tanju Devi and her community suffer as the journey on this...

Video Volunteers’ Impact : School gets teacher and headmaster

/ May 23, 2016

The provision of teachers is essential for all children, including those from rural India, to ensure that all have access to quality education. To ensure the same, the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 has set a pupil-teacher ratio (PTR) of 30:1. However, teaching in...

Victims of waterless taps and Neglect

/ May 22, 2016

“Our clothes become red and dirty.There’s much iron in the water. We fall sick often.” These woes of Shephali Das echoes the daily plight of almost hundred others from her community. Five years ago, a reservoir was built, pipeline laid and taps installed. But still, hundreds of residents of Banchukamari...

A March across the Tea gardens for Justice

/ May 18, 2016

About 400 tea gardens workers from of Dooars and Terai regions of West Bengal joined a 10-day rally organised by the Progressive Tea Workers Union (PTWU) on January 5, earlier this year. The 390-km rally started in the village of Kumargram Sankosh and ended in the city of Siliguri of...