Results for: mid day meals

No facilities to learn

/ June 30, 2014

The Right to Education Act 2010 ensures that schools provide basic facilities relating to education such as an adequate number of teachers, midday meals, drinking water and toilets.  Not too much to ask right?  Wrong.  Welcome to overpopulated, corrupt India.  This is a scenario repeatedly reported by our VV-Correspondents.  However,...

Impact: Corruption free meals in one village in Gujarat!

/ June 23, 2014

The Mid-Day Meal Scheme is a government-sponsored scheme meant to provide food to children in schools. This scheme was launched to check malnutrition & to encourage attendance in schools. In this interview, Community Correspondent Neeru Rathod describes how she & her community in Kanpur, Gujarat united to ensure 30 children...

Police ignores dying declaration, Accused out on bail: Sanjay Khobragade Murder Case

/ June 19, 2014

At 2:30 am on 17th May six people from a ‘higher caste’ tried to kill Sanjay Khobragade, a Dalit rights activist, over a caste based land dispute. They set him on fire while he slept in his house. With over 80-85% burns on his body, he passed away while at...

Damned by Sardar Sarovar Dam

/ June 13, 2014

Imagine having your village and land flooded for the construction of a dam.  Imagine no compensation, house or land being provided in return.  Imagine standing up for your rights to only be imprisoned by the authorities.  There is no need to imagine for this is the reality of residents from...

Going Strong: 7 months – 7 Impacts and much more!

/ June 4, 2014

Video Volunteers launched its campaign ‘Pass Ya Fail?’ in November 2013. This is the first-ever video audit campaign of the Right to Education Act in India. This is an update on what our determined Community Correspondents have documented in the last seven months.   “Today, there is a new tube well...

Sketchy Houses

/ June 2, 2014

The Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) Scheme is a 1985 Indian government initiated social welfare programme created to provide housing for the rural underprivileged in India. People like Dhaneswari are promised a house under this scheme, however due to corrupt staff members like Mitru her house is left half finished with...

Coal Mining Fuels the Human-Elephant Conflict in Jharkhand

/ April 23, 2014

Community Correspondent Mohan Bhuiyan reports from Jitratongri village in Hazaribagh District, Jharkhand, where a herd of elephants destroyed fourteen houses and resulted in the death of one individual in September 2013. For about two weeks the herd camped in the nearby forests and repeatedly came into human habitats in search...

Fired for Having Three Children

/ April 18, 2014

Anganwadi workers across India are perhaps one of the most underpaid and overworked group of women. They form the backbone of the Integrated Childcare Development Scheme that seeks to provide health care to pregnant women, nursing mothers and their infants as well as pre-school education to children between 3 and...