Results for: dalit

Free From Fluorosis

/ January 29, 2013

In July 2012 IndiaUnheard published a video from rural Gujarat which documented how people in Kasipara village were suffering from Fluorosis an ailment that could easily be avoided. Says Impact Manager Tania Devaiah "This was one of those videos which moved people to take action." Over 2300 people signed an...

Chhattisgarh, Here Comes IndiaUnheard

/ January 4, 2013

On Saturday 25th August 2012, Video Volunteers began recruitment of new Community Correspondents for the IndiaUnheard program in Chhattisgarh. The program is currently targeting sensitive states where the need for community media as an alternative to the mainstream is matter of urgency. In February 2012, 18 new correspondents joined IndiaUnheard...

Women Forced to Walk Barefoot: Fear & Loathing in Rajasthan

/ January 2, 2013

In today’s video, IndiaUnheard Community Correspondent Shambhulal Khatik calls the bluff on the hypocrisy behind senseless rituals that demean women which are allowed to continue in broad daylight, in the name of ‘tradition’. Says Shambhu, “As soon as a girl child comes of age, she is married off. Numerous restrictions...