Results for: mid day meals

Would you eat food with worms?

/ April 5, 2014

Would you eat food with worms in it? What about uncooked rice? Or raw flatbread? I’m guessing your answer is no. Children studying at the government primary school in Batiyagarh, Damoh, Madhya Pradesh, are forced daily to consume such sub-standard food. Not only do they have to eat half-cooked meals,...

Deliberately Delaying the Supply of Rations

/ April 4, 2014

The students of Government Primary School of Bhodiyapani village, Tamia block, Chhindwara district, Madhya Pradesh were given a paste of salt and chilli with flatbread in the name of food for two consecutive days. The teachers and students speak about the quality of mid day meals being provided. VV-PACS Correspondent Anita...

A Threat to Education

/ April 3, 2014

Bihar is a state caught between floods, crime and a flailing economy. The development indicators here are one of the worst of the country. Community Correspondent Reena reports from here on the affect all of these have had on 400 students in one school. On a winter morning in January...

The Difficulty Checklist

/ April 3, 2014

This story is from Sadpur village of Batiyagarh block in Damoh district of Madhya Pradesh. The government middle school in Sadpur village lacks four things: 1: A separate toilet for boys and girls. 2: A boundary wall. 3: A playground. 4:A library While filming, VV-PACS Correspondent Artibai Valmik spoke to...

Waiting for Infrastructure

/ April 1, 2014

Since the launch of our campaign ‘Pass Ya Fail?’ an audit of the Right to Education Act in India, our Community Correspondents have been busy visiting schools in their areas to document the ground level challenges in getting children access to education. This video report comes from Jhagrahi village, Komna...

A Half-Hearted Attempt at Education

/ April 1, 2014

Our Community Correspondents have been busy travelling around their villages and blocks documenting the ground level realities of education in India. By highlighting the shortcomings of the system and by getting communities involved in the process, we hope that the future students of India are able to get the education...

Community Demands Medical Facilities in Odisha

/ March 27, 2014

One look at the sub-health centre of Bada Hindola village and one would know that it has been engulfed by nature. While a beautiful sight in spring, when plants blossom on the roof and the environment almost transcends into magic, the people from 5 villages who depend on this sub-health...

URGENT: Midwife wanted !

/ March 27, 2014

Community Correspondent Ramjag Gaud reports from Dhoudai village council in Narayanpur District, Chhattisgarh, an area that is almost always in the news for the ongoing Naxal insurgency. His video reports are telling evidence of the toll paid by residents of the area caught in the crossfire of guns and ideologies....