Results for: jharkhand education

Migrant children vulnerable to sexual abuse

/ March 11, 2015

11th March 2015 | Ranchi, Jharkhand | Priyasheela Besra In November 2014 Razia*, who had been working as a domestic helper in Ranchi, Jharkhand, ran away from her employers. In the four months that she worked there, her male employer had repeatedly raped her. Community Correspondent Priyasheela Besra reported her story...

IMPACT: Tribal Girl Accused of Being Maoist Rescued, Rehabilitated

/ February 24, 2015

On 29th July 2011, Magdalene, a 15-year-old girl from Mailpidi village, was walking back home after school. On her way, she was arrested by the police. “Stop pretending to be a student” the police told her as they went through her school bag and roughed her up. Her crime? Bank robbery;...

Tribal in Jharkhand abducted, tortured and labelled a Maoist

/ February 20, 2015

February 19; Timla, Jharkhand In June 2010, Mahadeo Munda was sitting under Mahua tree when police officers approached him and started asking questions. “After that they put me in a vehicle. I don’t know where they went,” he told Community Correspondent Amita Tuti later. Mahadeo is a farmer in Tilma...

We were declared dead, but now we’re alive

/ February 18, 2015

February 18th, Salgadih Village, Khunti District, Jharkhand The National Old Age Pension Scheme provides financial security to over 19.2 million people over the age of 60 in India. For many, the small yet vital sum comes after jumping through many loopholes in the system. Community Correspondent Amita Tuti found one...

Villages Health Centre in Jharkhand closed for a year

/ February 17, 2015

February 17 2015 | Rampur, Jharkhand | Shanti Baraik The Village Health Centre in Jamidh has been closed for a year, and the doctor only visits occasionally. Residents of Jamidh have to go as far as 60 kilometres for medical attention. “The doctor only comes during child deliveries, he doesn’t...

Malnutrition in Jharkhand, Anganwadi dysfunctional

/ February 17, 2015

February 17; Koderma, Jharkhand An Anganwadi centre has been in Behradih village block for 10 years now, but no women or children in the village have ever received any benefits that such a centre should accord for. Babita Devi, a dalit resident, lost her 2-year-old daughter because of malnutrition. The...

One Billion Rising: अब बहुत हो गया! में चुप नहीं बैठने वाली हूँ. (Enough is...

/ February 14, 2015

2014 was a watershed year for women, all across the world. The ideas about the repression of women evolved into a debate that engrossed more people than ever before.  From the kidnapping of the Nigerian schoolgirls, to the misogynistic killings in Isla Vista; from the issue of sexism in video...

11 Hand-pumps but no water

/ February 4, 2015

February 4; Khunti, Jharkhand Residents of Tarub village are facing a severe crisis of drinkable water. “We have nothing to drink but dirty water,” one resident told Community Correspondent Amita Tuti. Villagers are forced to rely on the water that comes out of the well, since the handpumps don’t work....