Results for: west singhbum

Impact: All dues Paid

/ May 19, 2014

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) guarantees Indian citizens the ‘right to work’ for the purpose of ensuring livelihood security in rural areas. In this interview, VV-PACS Community Correspondent Tanju Devi describes how she challenged administration with her camera ensuring that Tinku Devi hailing from the twin villages of...

Why Does Development Always Displace?

/ May 12, 2014

People from three villages in West Champaran Bihar, are protesting as their homes get taken away for the construction of a massive road along the Indo-Nepal border. The 65 families who stand to be displaced have not been given official notices for eviction. They also do not know where they...

In Search of Water and Dignity

/ April 30, 2014

Can you imagine living in a situation where trying to get access to water for your daily chores translates into a lack of dignity? Where every single day someone humiliates you when you try to fill a bucket of water? For 150 people of the Musahar community this is a...

Pachyderms cause Panic in Rural Raigarh

/ April 25, 2014

The people of Eastern Chhattisgarh are caught in up a chaos they have no wish to be a part of. Their homes & fields are regularly damaged by marauding elephants. In this video, Community Correspondent Savita Rath attempts to get to the bottom of this brouhaha. Hailing from the mineral...

Impact: Video Gets Compensation to Victims of Human-Animal Conflict

/ April 24, 2014

India’s 28,000 wild elephants are cramped up in around 3% of its geographical area. A bare handful of areas have been declared protected areas known as elephant corridors. VV-PACS Community Correspondent Tanju Devi lives in Dumari, a small hamlet flanked by the forests in West Champaran, Bihar. This community has...

Coal Mining Fuels the Human-Elephant Conflict in Jharkhand

/ April 23, 2014

Community Correspondent Mohan Bhuiyan reports from Jitratongri village in Hazaribagh District, Jharkhand, where a herd of elephants destroyed fourteen houses and resulted in the death of one individual in September 2013. For about two weeks the herd camped in the nearby forests and repeatedly came into human habitats in search...

Skewed Student Teacher Ratio

/ April 2, 2014

Community correspondent Abhishek Das reports on skewed student teacher ratio of Jadamunda village’s upgraded high school. Jadamunda is located in the Komna block of Nuapada district, Odisha towards the east west border of the district. 279 Students from class 1st to class 8th study here who are managed by only...

An Old Tradition, A New Use

/ March 28, 2014

Nuakhai is an agricultural festival which is celebrated by many and is observed to welcome the new rice harvest of the season. It is mainly observed by people of Western Odisha in India and celebrated by offering the ‘nua’ to the deities. The word nua means new and khai means...