Results for: mid day meals

2012 at Video Volunteers—The Year In Review

/ December 19, 2012

These days, it seems that you can find practically everything and everyone on the Internet, right?  Thanks to social media, you may have reconnected with the kid who sat behind you in primary school or you might routinely find the most obscure information online.  So naturally, you think the Internet...

FREE APARNA MARANDI | Human Rights Violation by Jharkhand Police | India | 11 December...

/ December 11, 2012

URGENT APPEAL Aparna Marandi, her four year old son Alok Chandra, Satish (16 years old) her distant relative and her two friends Baby Turi and Susheela Ekka were picked up the police on 8th December. The manner in which they were picked up, interrogated and detained, are in clear violation of...

IU Impact: Teachers in Jharkhand Govt. School Get Paid After Four Years

/ December 11, 2012

On 31st May 2012 IndiaUnheard published a story about two teachers in rural Jharkhand who had not received their wages for over four years. The video was picked up by, a campaigning website. A wildly successful petition followed—in 3 days over 4000 people had signed in support of the...