Results for: dalit

Where are the women on TV?

/ June 24, 2011

The perfect Indian woman is all about choices and she knows how to make the right one. She’s educated, knows her rights, is empowered enough to speak her mind. She’s a smart consumer who knows what suits her and will never settle for the second best. She’s net savvy, blogs...

Untouchability Fades Away Slowly

/ June 20, 2011

In Dilwara, Rajasthan, Dalits are being treated in a more humane way by the ‘upper castes’

Ambedkar Statue Put Behind Bars

/ May 26, 2011

Dalits feel insulted after an Ambedkar statue had to be protected with grills in Chennai.

No Care For The Vulnerable In Anganwadis

/ May 23, 2011

Anganwadi centers in Maharashtra malfunction due to corruption and casteism.

Giant leap of India’s ‘downtrodden’: Teenage community reporter confronts tyranny, corruption

/ May 8, 2011

The following article by Stella Paul was published in the April issue of Silent Heroes, Invisible Bridges magazine – an International publication that focuses on positive journalism. We are re-publishing the content from the original article. Mukesh Rajak of Jagdishpur village in eastern India has unusual friends. They sit together...

Dalits Raise Voice Against Land Usurpers

/ April 26, 2011

In Kanchiwaram, Tamil Nadu, Dalits are fighting to get land that had been donated to them.

Another Rape Goes Unheard

/ April 22, 2011

Numerous women in Gorhpur, UP, protested against the injustice and impunity with which a rape case in Banda, UP, was treated.

Microcredit Incites Caste Violence

/ March 25, 2011

A local moneylender vengefully attacks a Dalit woman from a microfinance group