Results for: jharkhand education

Technology’s Impact on Social Change in Rural India: The View from the Grassroots

/ May 11, 2013

As the director of an organization working on media reform at the intersection of online and offline activism, people often ask me to speak about what’s working and what’s not working when it comes to media and technology in rural areas. What impact is technology having on grassroots social change...

An Insider’s View on Recruiting Community Correspondents

/ April 16, 2013

 At Video Volunteers, we’re constantly asked two questions: how do you locate potential Community Correspondents? How do you find the right people in these remote corners of the country?  So, we thought we’d explain the whole process from start to finish. We’ve written about the criteria for being a Community...

Video Volunteers: Citizen Journalism and Security

/ April 7, 2013

“I was punished for communicating” – Mumia Abu-Jamal A Community Correspondent has to face and overcome many obstacles on the way to produce his/her video and later, to use the video to bring about social change. First, they overcome the fear of the camera, while in front of it and...