Results for: dalit

Identifying The Real Identity: Exercise To Help Community Correspondents Identify Their Core Issues

/ March 10, 2011

During the IndiaUnheard training, director Stalin K held a special session on identity. The session saw community correspondents speaking aloud about issues that are dear to their hearts such as gender discrimination, caste-based violence, economic deprivation, terrorism and destruction of forest land. Each of the CCs has deep personal connection...

Government Plays with Power, Dalits Displaced

/ March 8, 2011

The government and a power company are forcefully acquiring Dalit land, leading to violence.

Caste Violence Leads To Migration

/ March 4, 2011

A Dalit colony in Mirzpur has slowly been abandoned after a violent caste-related conflict last year.

Capturing Stalin in an apolitical frame

/ February 27, 2011

His long hair tied into a ponytail, dramatic speech and side-splitting humour does not deflect the gravity of issues he deals with. In turn, he ends up communicating powerfully. With a zest to bring the suppressed voices of communities to the mainstream media, he launched a non profit ‘Video Volunteers’...

The Dying Beat of the Dhol Drum

/ February 21, 2011

‘Dhol’ players are not performing as much anymore in Gairsen because of a preference for recorded music.

Modern Democracy, Feudal Minds: Community Voices Rise Against Oppression Of Dalits

/ February 7, 2011

Video Volunteers’ community correspondents have been always vocal against the oppression of Dalit communities by ‘upper’ castes. In a video Ajeet Bahadur – our community correspondent from Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh brngs in light how despotic politicians are punishing Dalits for participating in local elections. “I made this video because I...

Modern Democracy, Feudal Minds

/ February 4, 2011

Despotic politicians in Uttar Pradesh punish Dalits for participating in local elections, terrorise village.

New Homes For Haryana’s Poor

/ January 18, 2011

200 Dalit families of Ludwa – the village of our correspondent Amit Kumar in Haryana – are set to get a new house under Indira Awaas Yojana.