Results for: dalit

Transgender Woman Inspires Community

/ January 12, 2011

Dalit Transgender woman in India’s Bangalore contests local election, motivates community to fight for it’s rights

Untouchability Captured on Camera, Rajasthan

/ January 5, 2011

Dalit women are made to remove their footwear as they pass by upper caste houses.

Defenceless Woman Branded ‘Witch’

/ December 21, 2010

Despite a law in place, poor women from marginalised communities in Jharkhand continue to be branded as ‘witches’ and tortured.

Memorials of Freedom Fighters In Ruins

/ December 15, 2010

The city of Allahabad ignores the martyrs who fought for its independence. .

Watch A Video

/ December 9, 2010

Watch a Video “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” —Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Video...

India’s Untouched Temple!

/ November 3, 2010

Ramayana characters are worshipped in India while temples dedicated to the author of the epic is treated ‘untouchable’.

Unheard India … Retold

/ November 1, 2010

Aarti Srivastava is a young emerging entrepreneur focused on media for social change. The following is  a blog written by her which provides a vivid image of VV’s work. You can also read the original article here. About Video Volunteers Video Volunteers’ mission is to empower the world’s poorest citizens...

‘Development’ is Political

/ October 29, 2010

– Stalin K This is the first in a series of blog posts that will be written by the Video Volunteers director, Stalin K. These weekly posts will cover themes from activism to community media, sustainability to identity.  This week he discusses the danger of political apathy in the NGO...