Results for: west singhbum

New Homes For Haryana’s Poor

/ January 18, 2011

200 Dalit families of Ludwa – the village of our correspondent Amit Kumar in Haryana – are set to get a new house under Indira Awaas Yojana.

Dam to Drown Tribal Land, Fuel Migration

/ December 17, 2010

On the eve of  the World Migrants Day,  this video highlights how development leads to migration.

Secondary School Drop-Out Rate High

/ December 9, 2010

The rate of secondary school drop-outs in West Garohills remains high.

A Mirror To Valmiki Community

/ October 14, 2010

In this video the correspondent profiles his own community – the Valmikis, perhaps the most oppressed community in India.

Marching IntoMale Bastion

/ August 12, 2010

Half of the panchayat members in Fatahpur Pakri village in Bihar are women, but Suman is the only member who exercises her rights.

New Homes forHaryana’s Poor

/ August 11, 2010

200 Dalit families of Ludwa – the village of our correspondent Amit Kumar in Haryana – are set to get a new house under Indira Awaas Yojana.

Dam to DrownTribal Land

/ August 9, 2010

Arunachal Pradesh government has drawn a hydropower policy which aims to build about a hundred dams to produce 56,000 MW.

Plastic BagIs a Ban Enough?

/ August 4, 2010

India consumes around five million tonnes (mt) of plastic products every year.