Results for: dalit


/ May 19, 2010

IndiaUnheard is the first ever community news service launched by Video Volunteers. This new initiative is constituted of a network of community correspondents who are trained to tell unique stories; stories about their own communities; stories which are otherwise left untold.

Experiencing community media with Video Volunteers

/ May 18, 2010

– Séverine Lenglet “We don’t write to delight or to blame people but to put the pen inside and reveal the lives of others”, said Albert Londres. This famous French writer left his foot print on the 20th Century travelling the world while pioneering the field of investigative journalism. When...

On the road, but not at the end of it

/ May 16, 2010

— Stella Paul That Bhagwanpura village is just 100 km away from Ahmedabad – capital of the largest and supposedly the richest Indian state is hard to believe. For reason one, there is no running water, no toilets and no tar road. The only mode of transport for common people...

Web, TV and Radio

/ May 14, 2010

Web, TV & Radio ‘Gujarat Polls: Video Volunteers’ Community Correspondents report on elections issues from the grassoots  ‘Untouchable’ No More:Activists are recording the stories of those deemed “untouchable” in the hopes of changing hearts and minds. Will the project work, or is caste no longer a problem? India@65: Notes From the...


/ May 14, 2010

Programs Since 2003, Video Volunteers has been creating programs and projects that empower poor and marginalized communities with a voice to address poverty, inequality and injustice.  Its mission is to empower the world’s poorest citizens to right the wrongs they witness by becoming players in the global media revolution. Below...

Girl and father burned alive by the upper caste

/ May 5, 2010

 20 dalit houses were burnt by people belonging to the upper caste in Mirjpur village of Harayana. A disabled girl and her father also lost their lives in this attack. The reason for the attack was that the upper caste Jat community did not want the Dalits(lower caste) to get...


/ April 5, 2010

A Campaign to End Untouchability ARTICLE 17 is Video Volunteers campaign on to urge the government to implement the laws against the practice of Untouchability. Since 2012, Community Correspondents have been documenting untouchability across the country. First, we petitioned the National Commission for Schedule Castes, (the government body that is constitutionally appointed...

The Coscars: VV’s First Community Video Award Ceremony

/ September 6, 2009

It’s 6:32 pm. The people are just gathering in. There’s an excitement in the air in anticipation of the first community video oscars or “Coscars”. Stalin and Jessica are up on stage – they seem as excited to be able to give the awards as the producers are about getting...