Results for: dalit

Video Volunteers Celebrates Successful Community Video Camp

/ August 28, 2009

“You mean to say that sending the email is free?! I don’t have to pay for it?” Laxmi was amazed that there is no equivalent on the Internet to paying for a postage stamp to send a letter. The first twenty minutes of this workshop on digi-activism being held in...

How Video Volunteers Improved Women’s Rights, Sanitation in India

/ June 7, 2009

How do you teach creativity and critical thinking to people from very disadvantaged communities, with little formal education? Doing this is a major goal of Video Volunteers’ work in training community producers. If organizations don’t develop these training tools, the world could find itself in a situation where technology allows...

Interview: Shaarda, Community Producer of Apna Malak Maa

/ March 20, 2009

In early 2008 six teachers perpetrated a series of rapes against female Dalit students at a teacher-training college outside of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. In reaction, Apna Malak Ma’s latest video magazine focused on local instances of violence against women. Community Producer Sharda, a 20 year old Dalit girl from Siyani village,...

Turning Media Upside Down: the power of community-made media.

/ January 28, 2009

This post, written by VV’s Research Officer Namita Singh, was originally published in Samas Satellite on 26th January, 2009. The original post can be found here It is around nine in the night in a seemingly sleepy village in Gujarat, India. You can sense there is something different today. Instead...

CVUs on Nickelodeon

/ December 9, 2007

Community Producer Neeru was featured on October 21st on Nickelodeon, in a special about Dalit kids. Read about it here. Neeru, shown here filling out a feedback form at a screening of a community video unit, is one of the all-Dalit community Producers working at Navsarjan’s CVU. Written by Jessica...

Print Articles

/ June 11, 2007

Print Articles Jharkhand’s Hunger Tales “A June 2012 video on Videovolunteers, filmed by a community correspondent, suggests that people don’t get food grains every month at the local PDS shop and certainly not their full quota of 35 kilos. Most get only about 30 kilos. Meanwhile, a block official explained that...


/ June 11, 2007

Our Impact Video Volunteers has initiated and sustained a global community media movement, which has empowered people by giving them a voice, training them to use it, and enabled them to take action towards social change.  Our training models and projects have created an impact in the following ways: Give...


/ June 11, 2007

Projects Video Volunteers undertook many different kinds of ‘media for development’ projects before arriving at the model of the Community Video Unit. Between 2003 and 2005, 17 different NGOs invited us to give them technical assistance on media projects in six different countries, all of which helped us learn how...