Results for: west singhbum

Cycle of Empowerment: an Interview with Stalin K on community participation

/ September 17, 2009

Kanchan from Apnaa Malak Ma CVU, conducting research at a local school. VV’s videos are really all about encouraging audiences to step up to local challenges, whether they give the postal address of corrupt officials, show how you can access microcredit, or tell you your right to medical care. But...

The Coscars: VV’s First Community Video Award Ceremony

/ September 6, 2009

It’s 6:32 pm. The people are just gathering in. There’s an excitement in the air in anticipation of the first community video oscars or “Coscars”. Stalin and Jessica are up on stage – they seem as excited to be able to give the awards as the producers are about getting...

MTV Iggy and Community Video Coming Together

/ April 17, 2009

Video Volunteers has partnered with MTV Iggy to produce videos in Kashmir about life in the refugee camps of Jammu. Here’s a link to one of the videos, about a boy who watched his entire family be slaughtered: MTV iggy is a new channel/show of MTV that is focused on...

Each Culture Should Communicate News Their Way

/ January 24, 2009

Yesterday I finished a field visit to one of the Community Video Units Video Volunteers has helped to set up, in rural Rajasthan, in villages outside Jodhpur. Rural Rajasthan is an incredibly colorful and culturally rich area, and so the “Community Video Unit” has lots of potential for great programming...

Silence on the Streets: Mumbai Autorickshaw & Taxi Strike

/ October 16, 2008

Ruchika writes: Today I woke up at 8am - the beginning of morning peak hour in Mumbai, and for some reason I couldn't help dozing off to the alarm and enjoying the blissful state of a mini-vacation in this chaotic city. My room faces the main road which is off...

Is a CNN For the Base of the Pyramid Possible?

/ August 4, 2008

When we and our NGO partners initiate community members–young men and women from the slums and villages of India–into their new full-time jobs as ‘Community Video Producers,’ we often start the training sessions by drawing a triangle on the board. ‘This pyramid,’ the Video Trainer says, ‘represents the global media.’...

A Youth-organized Film Festival

/ November 30, 2007

Stalin and I returned to India from six weeks in the States four days ago, to a great scene in Drishti’s office. About a dozen young college students were singing one after the other folk songs from India and the West. They were auditioning for a place in a Peace Film...

CVU Profiles

/ June 5, 2007

CVU Profiles Our NGO partners are scattered across the nation and the Community Video Units (CVUs) they sponsor represent a myriad of languages and communities—from from the largest slum in Asia to remote tribal villages—reflecting India’s incredible diversity.  Video Volunteers strives to ensure that the most under-represented voices have an...