Take Action

Studying Without a School

/ February 21, 2018

Over the past five years, parents in a village in Madya Pradesh have been using rooms in other people's homes to school their children, while the local government fails to finish building the community's only primary school.

Take Action

Navi Mumbai Municipal Workers Demand Permanent Employment

/ February 19, 2018

Navi Mumbai is believed to be one of Mumbai's best-planned areas, but what about the condition of those who keep the city on its feet? 

Impact Story

Trafficked and Sold from One Man to Another, Minor Finally Returns Home

/ February 16, 2018

Nati was one of the 130 children who go missing and often fall victim to trafficking every day in India. Sold for 70,000 rupees, she was forcibly married and abused for a year before she managed to come back home.

No Cards

Love in the Time of Fear

/ February 14, 2018

At a time when lovers are threatened and killed for transcending the norms of caste, religion, class and gender, two couples from Haryana tell us about their beautiful stories.

No Cards

Communities Come Together to Ensure Better Maternal Health

/ February 12, 2018

Despite the government’s promises, lack of infrastructure and problems of access endanger maternal health across rural India. Communities are stepping in and holding the system accountable.

No Cards

Inside Jharkhand: A Tale of Two Hospitals

/ February 7, 2018

At 167 deaths for every one lakh live births, India’s maternal mortality rate is still much higher than the Sustainable Development Goals target of 70. How can government hospitals help change the figure?

Take Action

Sardar Sarovar: The Pitfalls of India’s Biggest Development Project

/ February 5, 2018

Of the 6.5 crore people displaced by development projects in India over 50 years, less than 20% have been rehabilitated. But here's what happened even after rehabilitation in the case of Sardar Sarovar.

Dams and Irrigation Projects in India: Whose Development is it?

/ February 2, 2018

Big dams in India stand for the state’s hubris and arrogance. The Lower Suktel Irrigation Project in Odisha is one such dam.