Results for: jharkhand education

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Combating Human Trafficking

/ May 14, 2019

Video-talks about trafficking are encouraging communities to be more vigilant.

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Where are the Muslim Women in Indian Politics?

/ May 6, 2019

Six women talk about the condition of Muslim women's participation in Indian politics, and how it is affecting our society.

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Community Screenings Create a Demand for Change at the District & State Level

/ April 5, 2019

Solving hyperlocal issues can resolve India’s most pressing problems at a national scale

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Families Displaced by Massanjore Dam Await Rehabilitation

/ February 12, 2019

Over six decades since they were displaced by the construction of the Massanjore Dam, 500 families continue to fight for compensation and rehabilitation.

No Arrests Made in Amit Topno Murder Case

/ December 20, 2018

Eleven days since he was shot dead, Amit Topno's murderers remain at-large.

Uttar Pradesh Fails to Ensure Food Security Amidst Rising Hunger

/ November 20, 2018

A village in Kushinagar lives on the brink of malnourishment as the Public Distribution System fails to deliver to the most disenfranchised. Or, fails to ensure last mile service delivery.