Impact Story

Orphaned HIV+ Student Goes to School Again

/ March 8, 2017

Community Correspondent Rohini Pawar succeeds in her battle against prejudice and discrimination

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Witch-Hunting: A Dark Spell on India

/ March 8, 2017

Think witch-hunting is a thing of the past? Think again.

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A Toxic Harvest: Development gone wrong

/ March 8, 2017

How industrial development without environmental checks and balances destroyed a farming village in Chhattisgarh

Impact Story

Community Journalism brings Tuberculosis Clinic to a Mumbai Slum

/ March 8, 2017

Kavita had been suffering from tuberculosis for three years and had reached a critical stage.

Tribals refused land documents for 28 years despite Forest Rights Act

/ February 28, 2017

“They keep saying we will get it today or tomorrow. But we never do.” Despair is written all over Santuram’s face, as he shares his fight to right under Forest Rights Act with our Community Correspondent Khirendra Yadav. Farmers in Nevta village of Kondagaon development area in Chattisgarh have been...

A Muslim Woman’s English-Medium School for the Poor

/ February 23, 2017

  “In our society and village, girls aren’t encouraged to study. That is why I started this convent,” shares Raeesa Begum, Founder of the National English School in Kalgaon, Maharashtra. This English-medium school opened doors of education to the young girls in the village who had very limited opportunities for...

Kangri: The Craft that warms Kashmir Winters

/ February 20, 2017

Kangri is a handmade, wicker fire pot that keeps people warm during the severe Kashmir winters. It works as a mobile heater during the season when the temperature dips down to minus 20 degrees.

A Visit inside Kashmir’s First Cashless Village

/ February 16, 2017

  Lanura Budgam village is located at a distance of 24 Kms from Srinagar city. The village was declared to be the first ‘cashless’ village by J&K Government on 18 December 2016. The declaration of Lanura being a cashless village stunned local villagers. The village lacks basic facilities, like electricity...