Our lives are threatened because we are asking for food. It is our right, right?

/ January 30, 2017

“You’re asking for rights? Do you know what caste you belong to?,” the Sarpanch (Village Head) reminded Samaru Vanvashi, a Dalit resident of Bisapur village in Uttar Pradesh. Samaru had approached the Sarpanch because he had not been paid his NREGA salary since 2014 and had not received his rationed...

Why can women not name their husbands?

/ January 26, 2017

Community Correspondent Madhuri asks Sindhu, Gayatri Devi, Rita Devi and Srisati Devi the names of their husband. The women, of varying age, all smile shyly and unanimously respond that they cannot refer to their husbands by their names. The reason being the husband is a superior creature, equivalent to a...

Mother of six daughters abandoned by husband, stigmatised by society

/ January 25, 2017

Married for 26 years, Phoolkumari has been deprived of her share of the family property. The reason? She has six daughters. “My relatives told me you have no one to continue the family lineage. What will you do with property? Give it to your sons-in-law?” she says. She works as...

Stakeholders demonstrate against Land Acquisition bill 2013

/ January 18, 2017

The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Amendment) Bill 2015 was passed by the Lok Sabha on March 10, 2015. Land Acquisition in India is a process by which the centre or state government acquires private land for industrialization, development or urbanization while providing...

School at the Risk of Collapsing due to Mine Blasting

/ January 17, 2017

A regular class in Kujuma Government School is interrupted with a deafening blast. The walls shook and the ceiling threatened to fall down. But in five minutes later, it was a usual business for the 40-50 children studying in the government primary school. This is not a warzone, this is...

How Mahua seeds made rural women independent

/ January 3, 2017

“Now we step out of our homes confidently. This is our achievement”. This statement sums up the spirit of euphoria of the members of “Bansidhara Producer Group Of Women”, a Self Help Group formed in Bijgori village of Odisha. Around 36 women members from Bijgori village joined to form Bansidhara...

Periods, Patriarchy and Priesthood

/ December 15, 2016

Menstruation within religion: deep-rooted taboos still perpetuate perceptions of impurity and prevent woman from taking part in religious practices.

Silence, Shame and Stigma around Menstruation

/ December 14, 2016

The first period can be scary and confusing. But coupled with deep-seated taboos around menstrual impurity, it can become a harrowing experience. Four women of different ages from rural Uttar Pradesh share their experiences of menstruation and the stigma. These experiences surprisingly are very similar to the ones shared by...