Dalits denied the right to build house

/ August 29, 2016

A crime is committed against a  Dalit every 18 minutes, according to a 2010 report by National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on the prevention of atrocities against Scheduled Castes.                              This is probably the reason why 50 residents of Rajwara village in Bihar are forced to live in thatched huts even...

Torture for Dalit for standing up against discrimination

/ June 20, 2016

Sanjukta Samal, whose husband works at a Dalit organisation in Jagatshinghpur District of Odisha, was beaten up by the upper caste people, because he was fighting back the discrimination in their village. Her son was robbed of his mobile and moped on his way to home one day. When Sanjukta’s...

Farmer rally for stop farmer suicide in Odisha

/ June 15, 2016

“5000 farmers from western Odisha, marched to the main square, Gangadhar Mandap, of Sambalpur city in agitation as Odisha government refuses to link farmer suicides to crop failure. The state inquiry reports state that the farmer deaths are mainly due to family disputes and excessive liquor consumption and not due...

Victims of waterless taps and Neglect

/ May 22, 2016

“Our clothes become red and dirty.There’s much iron in the water. We fall sick often.” These woes of Shephali Das echoes the daily plight of almost hundred others from her community. Five years ago, a reservoir was built, pipeline laid and taps installed. But still, hundreds of residents of Banchukamari...

Since 10 years, “Anganwadi still under Construction”

/ May 20, 2016

“It is very difficult for them to eat, play and store their belongings.” This is the story of 30 children who are denied quality space due to an Anganwardi building left half incomplete for 10 years in Simra village of Jharkhand. Ten years ago, the construction of this Anganwadi building...