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Pucca House Under PMAY scheme, Still a Dream for Families in Maharashtra

Government's PMAY scheme to provide housing to eight families in Pimplad village Nashik, Maharashtra, has failed even after numerous applications given by family members.  

Since childhood, Pandurang Jhole has been living in a Kachcha house, in Pimplad Trimbak village, Nashik, Maharastra. Pandurang, spoke to the Gram Panchayat, regarding this issue, but all he got in return was false promises. “When the leakage starts, everything becomes wet. There is no place to sleep”, said Sunil Mhagute, another resident from Pimplad Trimbak village, standing in front of his Kahchca house. 

When Narendra Modi discoursed about his Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) in 2015, that would provide pucca house for all, it was a dream come true for most Indians, especially, the poorer sections. About 65 lakhs houses have been completed in the rural areas till January 2019, with 35 lakh houses remaining to completed. Despite the enormous money spent on the scheme, the implementation of the policy has failed to deliver basic service to all. 

Pandurang and Sunil are not alone, there are eight families in this village who are still waiting for the pucca houses. Sharda Jhole, explains that now the rains have decreased thus the situation is a little better now. “There is no place fit for sleeping or even sitting. They told us you will get the benefit soon. They said that every year”, adds Sharda in frustration. Due to poor financial conditions, Sharda and her husband were never able to build her own place. Now, because of the PMAY scheme, Sharda hopes that she will also get a pucca house one day. 

To help the families in Pimplad Trimbak village, get Pucca houses, call Sandeep Munde, Sarpanch, Pimplad Trimbak, Nashik Maharashtra on +91- 7666955617


Video by Community Correspondent Maya Khodve

Article by Grace Jolliffe, a Member of VV Editorial Team.

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