Sansari Puja: Goddess of Sikkim Blesses Doctors Away

About the Video: The ethnic Nepali community forms the majority population of the State of Sikkim.In early April, at the height of the spring season, the community celebrates the new year by conducting the 'Sansari Puja' in which the goddess. who the community believes presides over the world, is propitiated with various rituals. It is believed that conducting the Puja helps begin the new year auspiciously and that the benevolent goddess keeps diseases and ill omens at bay. The rituals are conducted at the banks of rivers Teesta and Rongit and along important roads and sites in the villages and cities across the state.

Community Correspondent: Community Correspondent Labin Rai belongs to the Nepali Community in Sikkim. He believes that festivals like Sanchari keep alive the connections and roots into their culture and ethnic identity. "It is something that brings the community together in joy and celebration," says Labin. "Sikkim is a melting pot of ethnicity and the Sanchari Puja is one shade of color that goes to make the state's beautiful, colorful and diverse culture."

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