Tag: agriculture

Women MasterArt Of Farming

/ September 15, 2010

Women break into the mail domain of traditional farming, turn food growers in remote village of India’s Bihar state

No Rain No Grain

/ June 14, 2010

Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian Economy.

Laboring with Hand Tools Alone

/ May 10, 2010

In Nagaland’s Wokha district and elsewhere women still engage in back-breaking labor with nothing but manual tools to till the soil.

Is a CNN For the Base of the Pyramid Possible?

/ August 4, 2008

When we and our NGO partners initiate community members–young men and women from the slums and villages of India–into their new full-time jobs as ‘Community Video Producers,’ we often start the training sessions by drawing a triangle on the board. ‘This pyramid,’ the Video Trainer says, ‘represents the global media.’...