Tag: Bhan Sahu

Woman Sarpanch Brings Change to Rural India

/ March 29, 2012

Sukhvantibai leads the way in Chhattisgarh

Government Betrays Insured Farmers

/ December 21, 2011

In Chhattisgarh, only 12% of the expected amount of a crop insurance scheme reached farmers.

The Case of the Missing Tehsildar

/ November 2, 2011

Ambagad Chowki, Chhattisgarh, is in need of a regular Revenue Officer.

Slum Dwellers Lose Homes

/ October 13, 2011

Slums in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, are being uprooted without provisions for rehabilitation.

Adivasi Traditions Re-Emerge

/ September 12, 2011

In Padutola village, Chhattisgarh, the Gund tribals still carry out the age-old customs and practices that make their culture unique.

Poor Punished For Confronting Corruption

/ August 30, 2011

Officials in rural Chattisgarh punish poor villagers by denying them their housing benefits.

Villagers Yearn For Water

/ August 10, 2011

Villagers in Khursipar, Chhattisgarh, are desperate in the face of acute water scarcity.

Corruption Undermines MNREGA

/ July 13, 2011

After two months of work under the MGNREGA, villagers in Bahar Tola have not received any wage.