Tag: Chhattisgarh

Caught between the lines

/ August 20, 2014

Bastar is one of the districts worst affected by the current naxal conflict in the state of Chattisgarh. There has been no development for the tribals from Abujhmad region. Their traditional handicrafts business is also diminishing. With Abujhmad’s sources of livelihood curtailing, 25 such families have already migrated to Silpi village....

Technology’s Impact on Social Change in Rural India: The View from the Grassroots

/ May 11, 2013

As the director of an organization working on media reform at the intersection of online and offline activism, people often ask me to speak about what’s working and what’s not working when it comes to media and technology in rural areas. What impact is technology having on grassroots social change...

Change in their hands: Video training for grass-roots activists

/ April 15, 2013

(this blog first appeared on the PACS website here) Change in their hands – A twinkle in their eye and a determination in their voice. How a small camera can make all the difference By Namita Srivastav My first impressions, when I met the participants of Community Correspondents Network training...