Tag: Community Correspondents

IMPACT: Villagers take back community land from corrupt headman

/ December 19, 2014

A quiet village on the border of India and Nepal, Semri-Dumri is a sleepy hamlet where nothing seems to happen. A paved road blends solemnly into sand a few miles behind the vaguely identifiable border. Motorcycles that pass through can be heard from a distance, along with the stones rattled...

SUCCESS: Clearing clogged drains, overcoming casteism

/ November 19, 2014

A survey conducted in India indicates that over 200,000 people died of malaria in 2012. In this interview VV-PACS Community Correspondent Satyendra speaks from Mau, Uttar Pradesh, describing how clogged drains were causing sickness and ill health in his village. With this video, Satyendra & his community successfully challenged caste...

Impact: Procuring the Right to Food

/ November 14, 2014

Community Correspondent Arti Bai Valmiki’s report got the administration to improve the quality of Midday Meals for 237 students in the primary school of Batiagarh District of Madhya Pradesh. “We don’t get rotis to eat at home, so we come to school in hope of food,” a student of the...

Bridging the gap between Adivasi communities and administration

/ September 24, 2014

The Baiga people are one of the many tribes in Central India. Community Correspondent Dina works closely with this reclusive tribe and in this interview she details how she & her camera bridged the gap between adivasis & administration to bring water for 35 children in an anganwadi. Traditionally referring...

SUCCESS: Access to water after 30 years

/ September 16, 2014

Ashok Paswan from Bihar joined the Video Volunteers’ team in February 2013. He is a strong young Dalit activist in his area and works extensively on empowering young people from his community.  He is a team member at the BR Ambedkar Student’s Forum. In the following interview he shares how...

Are safe pregnancies and childbirth in rural India a luxury?

/ June 17, 2015

One woman dies every ten minutes due to pregnancy related complications in India. Although the government has put in place schemes to ensure that every woman has access to healthcare during and after pregnancy, ground reports produced by Video Volunteers reveal that access to prenatal and postnatal care, nutrition and...

Staking a Claim on Forest Rights

/ August 8, 2014

The Forest Rights Act (FRA) along with the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Actis a cornerstone of Indian grassroots democracy. They give forest dwelling communities and individuals a final say with regards to land use. When it came into power in 2006, forest dwelling communities who had fought hard to...

Success: A Women’s Self-Help Group Gets Justice

/ July 10, 2014

Self Help Groups (SHGs) are village-based programs usually with agendas of empowerment, development of leadership abilities, anti-poverty agendas, using financial intermediation as a starting point to these goals. In this interview, Community Correspondent Neeru Rathod speaks of how she inspired 11 women in Sonpari village in Gujarat to speak out against...