Tag: Dalits

Impact| Getting Water for Dalit Hamlet in Maharashtra

/ March 7, 2016

Under the Self Governance Scheme, the government made arrangements for clean drinking water at Warola village. But that scheme did not reach the dalit hamlet which is home to 250 families. Only the dalit community was deprived of their right to clean drinking water. ‘We have no water through out...

Three Killed in Manual Scavenging Accident

/ May 25, 2015

Nashik District, Maharashtra | Maya Khodve In December 2014 three men lost their lives at an accident at their work site. All three were conservancy workers who had been hired by contractors working for the Nashik Municipal Corporation. The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act 2013,...

Article 17: Untouchability in a graveyard

/ August 22, 2014

This video documents discrimination on the basis of caste being practiced in a graveyard. The left side is allocated to the Dalits while the right is reserved for the non Dalits.  Father Arun acknowledges that untouchability has been perpetuating in the church and strongly condemns the practice of untouchability. 

In Search of Water and Dignity

/ April 30, 2014

Can you imagine living in a situation where trying to get access to water for your daily chores translates into a lack of dignity? Where every single day someone humiliates you when you try to fill a bucket of water? For 150 people of the Musahar community this is a...