Tag: death by starvation

Jharkhand’s Food Security Act leaves hungry Tribals to die

/ October 21, 2016

Rocha Korwa sits in his hut alone, struggling with a bunch of Tendu leaves, a forest produce, that he will sell in the market for Rs. 10-15 for a bunch. He dreads the walk to the market, his 65-years-old knees struggle to move, making each step painful for Rocha. However,...

Jharkhand’s Food Security Act leaves hungry Tribals to die

/ October 21, 2016

Rocha Korwa sits in his hut alone, struggling with a bunch of Tendu leaves, a forest produce, that he will sell in the market for Rs. 10-15 for a bunch. He dreads the walk to the market, his 65-years-old knees struggle to move, making each step painful for Rocha. However,...

No morsel of food for tea-garden workers in Bengal

/ April 11, 2016

As we sip our morning tea in comforts of our home, tea workers in this tea estate of North Bengal are struggling to survive, eating dried leaves as their meal because their only source of income, the tea estates, owned by Duncans Industries Ltd have shut down since last year...