Tag: embezzlement

IU Video Pulls Up Corrupt Health Workers

/ September 6, 2011

Sunita, our CC in Rajasthan enables women to get medication they are entitled to.

Kerosene Distribution Corrupt, Needy Distressed

/ July 25, 2011

In Malegaon, subsidized kerosene meant for the poorest is diverted by the distributors.

Corruption Undermines MNREGA

/ July 13, 2011

After two months of work under the MGNREGA, villagers in Bahar Tola have not received any wage.

Corruption Beckons Unpaid Panchayat Members

/ June 30, 2011

Assamese Panchayat members do not receive any wages and struggle to make ends meet.

IndiaUnheard Impact: Anganwadi Back On Track

/ June 9, 2011

Sunita, our Community Correspondent in Rajasthan ends corruption with her video

Slapdash Road Repair For Minister’s Visit

/ June 2, 2011

After years of disrepair, a road was hurriedly constructed overnight for the Chief Minister’s visit in Bageshwar, Uttarakhand.

Funds for Books Embezzled

/ May 3, 2010

Officials in Nagpur’s education department siphon money from education funds for personal gain.