Tag: epidemic

Highlights from the Video Volunteers Annual Report 2021-2022

/ October 28, 2022

In the year 2021-2022, Video Volunteers reached a huge number of people. Each video, on average, documented a problem, a ground reality that affected nearly 35,000 people. And we reported more than 1500 stories last year. Impacts achieved by our community correspondent have benefited 3.2 million people, in total. 

The Dirtiest Block in Clean Gujarat

/ January 13, 2012

Sayla Block, Gujarat is still waiting for a drainage system.

Govt. Threatens to Displace Community

/ November 11, 2011

The Forgotten People of Trichy Fight for their Homes

Trade Agreement Puts HIV-AIDS Patients At Risk

/ May 11, 2011

EU-India agreement may prevent the production of generic, affordable antiretroviral treatment.

TB Kills In Punjab’s Dirty Slum

/ March 14, 2011

A tuberculosis epidemic is spreading in Durga colony, Ludhiana, while health care remains scarce.

Gastroenteritis Plagues Ludhiana’s Poor

/ January 13, 2011

Gastroenteritis takes lives in Ludhiana, due to lack of medical support and sanitation.