Tag: Gujarat (Indian State)

VV Correspondent Works to Arrange Safety Gear for Gujarat’s Sanitation Workers | COVID 19

/ May 20, 2020

Yashodhara, a community correspondent with Video Volunteers ensured that sanitation workers no longer have to work while risking their lives.

Success: A Women’s Self-Help Group Gets Justice

/ July 10, 2014

Self Help Groups (SHGs) are village-based programs usually with agendas of empowerment, development of leadership abilities, anti-poverty agendas, using financial intermediation as a starting point to these goals. In this interview, Community Correspondent Neeru Rathod speaks of how she inspired 11 women in Sonpari village in Gujarat to speak out against...

Impact: Corruption free meals in one village in Gujarat!

/ June 23, 2014

The Mid-Day Meal Scheme is a government-sponsored scheme meant to provide food to children in schools. This scheme was launched to check malnutrition & to encourage attendance in schools. In this interview, Community Correspondent Neeru Rathod describes how she & her community in Kanpur, Gujarat united to ensure 30 children...

Unity in Diversity: The Siddis of Gujarat

/ August 25, 2014

Unity in diversity is a concept of “unity without uniformity and diversity without fragmentation”. It shifts focus from unity based on a mere tolerance of physical, cultural, linguistic, social, religious, political, ideological and/or psychological differences towards a more complex unity based on an understanding that difference enriches human interactions. A true image of unity in...

Enjoy the unique Mahashivratri festival

/ July 7, 2014

“Thus, you can find different types of diversity in India, while it still remains one democratic country.”   VV-Correspondent Sajid Khan records the unique festival of Mahashivaratri festival from Junagarh district fair, Bhavnagar district, Gujarat.    The Mahashivaratri tradition has been going on for thousands of years.  At this festival...

Denied Special Education

/ June 16, 2014

The Right To Education Act  2010 (RTE) guarantees free education for disabled children.  The Government is meant to provide a special teacher for children with disabilities as well as specific learning material.  However, for partially sighted Rekha Gishbhai this is not the case.  Her mother explains how: “She sits on...

A Half-Hearted Attempt at Education

/ April 1, 2014

Our Community Correspondents have been busy travelling around their villages and blocks documenting the ground level realities of education in India. By highlighting the shortcomings of the system and by getting communities involved in the process, we hope that the future students of India are able to get the education...