Tag: human rights violation

Polluting touch :Untouchability reigns

/ April 12, 2013

The caste system in India prescribes that all menial and filthy jobs be done by the “lowest caste”. In continuation of this tradition, Carrying away and disposing of the rotting carcases of dead animals is exclusively a ‘Dalit’ job. This undignified labour done without any protection or equipment carries with...

Indian Army Occupies & Destroys Kashmiri Paradise: ToasMaidan Firing Range

/ October 3, 2012

In the beginning was a meadow. An open grassy expanse surrounded by snow-tipped hills. Brooks and springs ran down the valley and pooled into lakes. Scattered through the region were little settlements and villages whose inhabitants are mostly farmers and shepherds. Fruits, rice and maize were the main crops and...

Voices of Dissent in Manipur Challenge the Govt.

/ March 1, 2012

Manipuris Speak Out Against Forced Evictions.

Plans for International Airport Evicts Local Families

/ February 28, 2012

Expansion of Imphal Airport displaces 116 Manipuri settlements.

Forced Eviction Destroys 17 Manipuri Families

/ February 29, 2012

Community unlawfully evicted by Manipuri govt. faces destitution.

Govt. Threatens to Displace Community

/ November 11, 2011

The Forgotten People of Trichy Fight for their Homes

Arrested For Saying No to Mining

/ September 8, 2011

In Raigarh, Chattisgarh, the community protests the arrest of two non-violent environmental activists.